- Fortress of the Muslim
Invocation for someone who tells you: :
أُحِبُّك لِلَّهِ "I love you for the
sake of Allah"
أَحَبَّـكَ الّذي أَحْبَبْـتَني لَه
200. 'Ahabbakal-lathee 'ahbabtanee lahu.
May He
for Whose sake you love me, love you.
Reference: Abu Dawud
4/333. Al-Albani graded it good in Sahih Abu Dawud 3/965.
Holy Quran Quotes
“Prayer (Salat) is the most important practice in Islam. Allah has ordered the Muslims to be mindful of it. The Holy Qur'an says:"Guard strictly your prayers, especially the Middle Prayer, and stand before Allah with all devotion.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:238)
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