Arabic Letter Pronouncement Table
A about أ
+ فتحة |
ن n nurse |
آ a cat |
و oo pool |
أُ o on |
ق q queen ( “k”
sound made
in back of throat |
ع AA say “a” twice
with an open mouth |
ر r rabbit
(rolled “r” sound similar to Spanish “r” ) |
ب b box |
ش sh ship |
د d door |
س s sea |
ض d heavy “d” sound
( open jaw but keep lips tightly round i.e : duh |
ص s heavy “s” sound
( open jaw but keep lips tightly round |
ي ee feet |
ت t tan |
ف f fish |
ط t heavy “ t”
sound ( open jaw but keep lips slightly round ) |
غ gh the sound you
make when gargling (Touch very back of tongue to very back of mouth |
ث th think |
هـ h hat |
ذ th the |
ح h heavy “ h”
sound (drop back of tongue to open back of throat, then force air out
for”h” |
ظ th “th” sound as
in “the” but heavier (open jaw but keep lips slightly round) |
إ + كسرة I ink |
ضمّة u put |
ج j jar |
وْ w water |
ك k kit |
أْ + ء / pronounce
the letter before but cut it short by stopping suddenly |
خ kh gravely “h”
sound (touch back of tongue to roof of mouth and force air out) |
يْ y yarn |
ل l look |
ز z zebra |
م m man |
(-) is to make some words easier to read |
Holy Quran Quotes
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“Never think of those slain in the way of God to be dead; rather they are alive and are provided in the Presence of their Lord.”
(Al ‘Imran, 3:169)
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