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    Habeel and Qabeel - Abel and Cain

    The world was very big. Allah wanted to fill it with human beings.

    He wanted people everywhere - in the coldest and hottest of places, in the deserts, the forests, and the mountains. . . . So He blessed Adam and Hawa so that they had two children every day -- a son and a daughter -- for a long time. They had many, many children, sons and daughters.

    Soon, mankind spread all over the earth. White, black and yellow, people of all races, are children of the same father and mother -- Adam and Hawa.

    Now, I will tell you the story of Habeel (Abel) and Qabeel (Cain), the sons of Adam and Hawa.

    Both of them wanted to marry the same girl, who was very beautiful. They did not know how to decide which one of them should marry her. So Adam asked each one of them to give a nazar (an offering) to Allah. And the one whose nazar was accepted by Him was to marry the girl.

    Habeel whose intentions were good chose the best sheep from his flock and gave it as an offering to God. Qabeel kept the best for himself and gave a poor offering. Naturally, of the two, God accepted Habeel's offering -- a fire came and took it away. This meant that Habeel had God's permission to marry the girl.

    Qabeel grew very angry at this and said that he would marry her at all costs. Habeel, however, refused to fight. But Qabeel was furious and he hit his brother with a stone which killed him.

    It was the first time that anyone had ever killed another person, so after killing Habeel, Qabeel was terribly afraid. He did not know what to do with the dead body. He carried it on his shoulders and wandered around helplessly.

    Then Allah sent two crows who fought in front of Qabeel. One of them was killed. The other dug a hole in the ground and pulled the body of the dead crow into it covering it with earth.

    Seeing this, Qabeel cursed himself for not knowing even as much as the crow. He then dug a grave for his brother Habeel and buried him in it.
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    The Holy Quran Quotes

    “Prayer (Salat) is the most important practice in Islam. Allah has ordered the Muslims to be mindful of it. The Holy Qur'an says:"Guard strictly your prayers, especially the Middle Prayer, and stand before Allah with all devotion.”

    (Al-Baqarah, 2:238)


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