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    Islam - Children's Corner

    Prophet Dawud (alayhis salam)

    When Dawud (alayhis salam) was young, he was a shepherd boy. He was also very strong and courageous.

    Once, a troop of fierce warriors came to attack his people. Among them was Jalut. Everybody had a great fear of Jalut, and no-one was willing to fight against him except for Dawud (alayhis salam).

    Dawud (alayhis salam) challenged Jalut to a combat and killed him. This so frightened the enemies of Dawud (alayhis salam)'s people that they fled as fast as they could.

    Dawud (alayhis salam) was very brave, of course, but Allah had helped him triumph over the mighty Jalut.

    Allah also gave Dawud (alayhis salam) wisdom, power and skills. Dawud (alayhis salam) was a very clever smith and made wonderful things out of iron, like weapons and armour.

    Dawud (alayhis salam) could also sing very well. He sang to praise and honour Allah. These songs, which Dawud had learned from the angels, were written down in a book called Zabur (Psalms).

    Allah had revealed this book, Zabur, to Dawud (alayhis salam), just as He had revealed to Musa (alayhis salam) the book which is called Taurat (Torah).

    Allah made Dawud (alayhis salam) His prophet and the ruler over his people. He was a very just ruler and his people always came to him when they had quarrels with each other.

    Once, some sheep had wandered off during the night into somebody else's field and ate up all the crops. Dawud (alayhis salam) decided that as punishment, the sheep must be given to the owner of the field who had lost all his crops.

    When Sulaiman, the son of Dawud (alayhis salam) heard that, he protested: "But the field is still there. It is only this year's harvest that is gone. So surely the sheep should not be completely taken away from their owner.
    The owner should have them back as soon as the loss of harvest is recovered."

    Dawud (alayhis salam) agreed with the good advice of his son Sulaiman, and decided to settle the problem as Sulaiman had suggested.

    In the next story, you will hear about Sulaiman, (alayhis salam) who was also chosen by Allah to be His prophet. Dawud (alayhis salam), who was Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala)'s prophet, always said to his people:

    You should believe in Allah and worship Him alone and do good.

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    The Holy Quran Quotes

    “Incline not unto those who do wrong, or the fires of Hell will touch you. You have no protector save Allah, and you will not be helped”

    (Huud, 11:113)


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