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    The Story of Adhan
    by Sister Asma

    When the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) and the Muslims of Makkah had made hijrah to Madinah, and the Blessed Prophet had built the first ever masjid - the masjid al-Nabi, the Muslims used to come and wait for the time of salah (prayer) to be announced by the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) so that they could all go and pray.

    In Makkah, the number of Muslims was small, so they could make Jama'ah without any call.
    But by the second year of Hijrah, the number of Muslims had increased. The people announced in a loud voice, "As-Salat ul-Jami'ah - the salah for jama'ah is ready."
    Those who heard this call came to join the Salah. Muslims felt the need to find a way to inform people to come to prayer.

    Since there was no adhan given, it was quite difficult for the Muslims to know when to stop what they were doing, and go to the masjid and pray.

    Some Muslims who lived far away from the masjid al-Nabi, like farmers working in the fields, found it even more harder, because they would have to travel quite far to be able to find out when it was going to be prayer time.

    One day, the Blessed Prophet asked the Muslims about a way to call all everyone to salah five times a day.

    "We could use a horn, like the Jews do," some suggested.

    "What about using a bell to call Muslims, the Christians use a bell," suggested others.

    But the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) didn't like those ideas.

    "What about putting a big fire on top of a mountain, so that everyone from great distances would be able to see it, and know the time for prayer?," others said.

    But the Blessed Prophet did not like that idea at all.

    "We could raise up a flag each time at the time of salah, so that when people see it, they can tell each other and come to salah," said someone else.

    The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) disagreed with that idea as well.

    What could they do to call all the Muslims to prayer?

    Eventually, the Prophet decided that out of all the suggestions, the bell was the best one, and thought to buy a bell. However, the Blessed Prophet was still not satisfied about the problem, and unhappy that they were unable to find a good solution for calling people to salah.

    The next morning, a bell had not yet been brought to call the Muslims. Perhaps they were still trying to think of an answer to their problem.
    While the blessed Prophet was sitting in the masjid with his Companions (radiAllahu anhum), a companion by the name of Abdullah ibn Zaid (radiAllahu ahnu) walked in,

    "Assalamu 'alaykum," he said, greeting the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) and all his companions happily.

    "Wa alaikum assalam warahmatullah," replied the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam), and his Companions (radiAllahu anhum).

    "You look so happy this morning Abdullah ibn Zaid," said one Companion to him, "let us share your happiness."

    "Last night I saw a dream," replied Abdullah ibn Zaid, "A beautiful dream. In all my life, I have never seen a more beautiful dream than that."

    The Companions were intrigued and very curious as to what Abdullah ibn Zaid could have dreamt of. What could be the most beautiful dream of his life?

    "Tell us about your beautiful dream Abdullah!", the Companions said.

    "I saw in my dream, a man dressed with green clothes, carrying a bell," said Abdullah ibn Zaid. "I asked him, 'Will you sell me your bell?'. The man asked me what I needed a bell for, and I told him that we needed a bell to call people for salah.

    'You don't need a bell. Let me teach you something better than a bell,' he replied
    I said; 'Please do, May Allah bless you!'
    He said, 'You say loudly:

    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

    Ash-hadu allaa illaha ilAllah
    Ash-hadu allaa illaha ilAllah

    Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar Rasul-Allah
    Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar Rasul-Allah

    Hayya 'alas salaah, hayya 'alas salaah
    Hayya 'alas salaah, hayya 'alas salaah

    Hayya 'alal falaah, hayya 'alal falaah
    Hayya 'alal falaah, hayya 'alal falaah

    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

    La illaha il-Allah

    The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) and the Muslims were very happy with Abdullah ibn Zaid's dream. It was indeed a beautiful dream.

    Then the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) called Bilal ibn Rabah (radiAllahu anhu), a freed Abyssinian slave, because he had a loud and beautiful voice, and taught him the beautiful and meaningful words of the Adhan.

    When Bilal ibn Rabah (radiAllahu anhu) had learnt the words, the Blessed Prophet asked him to climb a high wall next to the masjid, and call people for Salah.
    So Bilal did what the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) told him to do.

    The voice of Bilal (radiAllahu anhu) resounded throughout Madinah. People came running to Masjid un-Nabi. Umar (radiAllahu anhu) was one of the persons who cam and said, "O Messenger of Allah, an angel taught me the same words in my dream last night."

    From that day forward, Bilal (radiAllahu anhu) became the first Mu'adhhin of Islam, all the Muslims around the world call the Adhan five times a day, just like Bilal did, all those years ago.

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    (Muhammad, 47:35)


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