- Fortress of the Muslim
Invocation for when tragedy strikes
إِنّا للهِ وَإِنَا إِلَـيْهِ رَاجِِعُـونَ ، اللهُـمِّ
اْجُـرْني فِي مُصِـيبَتي، وَاخْلُـفْ لِي خَيْـراً مِنْـها.
154. 'Innaa lillaahi wa 'innaa 'ilayhi raaji'oon, Allaahumma'-jurni fee
museebatee wa 'akhliflee khayran minhaa.
We are from Allah and
unto Him we return . O Allah take me out of my plight and bring to me
after it something better.
Reference: Muslim
Holy Quran Quotes
“And they (polytheists, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger, Muhammad (saw) ) will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic Monotheism) if they can.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:217)
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