Invocations before eating
When anyone of you
begins eating, say:
بِسْمِ الله
178. Bismillaah.
In the
Name of Allah.
And if you forget
then, when you remember, say:
بِسْمِ اللهِ
في أَوَّلِهِ وَآخِـرِهِ
Bismillaahifee 'awwalihi wa 'aakhirihi.
In the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end.
Reference: Abu Dawud
3/347, At-Tirmithi 4/288. See Al- Albani's Sahih At-Tirmithi 2/167.
Whomever Allah has given food, should say:
بارِكْ لَنا فيهِ وَأَطْـعِمْنا خَـيْراً مِنْـهُ
179. Allaahumma baarik lanaafeehi wa 'at'imnaa khayranminhu.
Allah, bless us in it and provide us with better than it.
Whomever Allah has
given milk to drink, should say:
بارِكْ لَنا فيهِ وَزِدْنا مِنْهُ
Allaahumma baarik lanaa feehi wa zidnaa minhu.
Allah , bless us in it and give us more of it.
Reference: At-Tirmithi
5/506. See also Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/158. |