215. Sami'a saami'un bihamdillaahi wa husni balaa'ihi 'alaynaa. Rabbanaa
saahibnaa, wa 'afdhil 'alaynaa 'aa'ithan billaahi minan-naar.
He Who
listens has heard that we praise Allah for the good things He gives us.
Our Lord, be with us and bestow Your favor upon us. I seek the
protection of Allah from the Fire.
Reference: Muslim
4/2086, the meaning of sami'a saami'un (who listens has heard) is that
'a witness has witnessed our praise of Allah due to His blessings and
favor upon us.' It could also be read samma'a saami'un, in which case it
means 'one who has heard this statement of mine will convey it to
another and he will say it as well.' This is due to the attention given
to the Thikr (remembrance of Allah) and supplications made during the
early morning hours. The meaning of his saying 'Our Lord, be with us and
bestow Your favor upon us' is: 'Our Lord, protect us and guard us. Bless
us with Your numerous bounties, and avert from us every evil.' See An-Nawawi,
Sharh Sahih Muslim 17/39.