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    Fundamentals Of Classical Arabic

    In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    Fundamentals of Classical Arabic is a series of practical, easy-to-read books that help students learn the difficult subjects of Arabic verb conjugation and grammar. Based on methodologies used by Islamic scholars for centuries, this series focuses on grasping short, understandable principles to steadily build a comprehension of the language. This first volume provides a framework for studying the Arabic language, introduces Arabic word patters, and covers the essentials of conjugating common verb and noun forms. Throughout the book, important concepts are explained in a lucid and concise manner. Tables provide a review of the concepts covered in each lesson, and the accompanying audio compact disc helps students memorize conjugations of common verb and noun patterns.

    Lesson Lesson Title  Play Length
    Fundamentals of Classical Arabic, Vol 1
    Intro Fundamentals of Classical Arabic PDF Format - Opens in New Window 4' 45"
    Lesson 1 Mapping the Arabic Language PDF Format - Opens in New Window 0' 52"
    Lesson 2 Introducing Arabic Words PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 39"
    Lesson 3 The Past Tense Verb PDF Format - Opens in New Window 3' 16"
    Lesson 4 The Present Tense Verb PDF Format - Opens in New Window 2' 05"
    Lesson 5 The Present Tense Verb in the State of Rafa' PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 09"
    Lesson 6 The Present Tense Verb in the State of Nasb PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 49"
    Lesson 7 The Present Tense Verb in the State of Jazm PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 35"
    Lesson 8 The Emphatic PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 16"
    Lesson 9 The Command PDF Format - Opens in New Window 2' 12"
    Lesson 10 The Prohibition PDF Format - Opens in New Window 2' 10"
    Lesson 11 The Active Participle PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 26"
    Lesson 12 The Passive Participle PDF Format - Opens in New Window 0' 55"
    Lesson 13 The Noun of Time and Place PDF Format - Opens in New Window 0' 56"
    Lesson 14 The Noun of Usage PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 17"
    Lesson 15 The Superlative Noun PDF Format - Opens in New Window 1' 07"
    Lesson 16 The Six Types of Verb Form I PDF Format - Opens in New Window 9' 50"
    Appendices Appendices PDF Format - Opens in New Window 9' 20"


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    The Holy Quran Quotes

    “O you who believe! Be afraid of Allaah and give up what remains (due to you) from Ribaa (from now onward) if you are (really) believers”

    (Al-Baqarah, 2:278)


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