Lesson 12
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12. Fixing Cars
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'Innani 'imtalku sayyāra fīāt 'uwnuw wa hiyya 'al-'ān
'umruhā 'ithnā 'ashar 'āmān

I have a Fiat Uno, which now is 12 years old.
Laqad kānat sayyāra jayyida jiddan li-sanawāt 'adīda wa-rakhīsa bin nisbat lil-binzīn

It has been a very good car for many years, and cheap with gas.
Wa-lakinnahā 'al-'ān bada'ta tusbih mushkila wa-bihā ba'dal makhātir fî l-qiyyāda

But now it's becoming a problem, and a little bit dangerous to drive.
Wa-lākin hattā fī misr haythu kull shay' rakhīs, fa-'inna 'islāhis
sayyāra ghālī jiddan bin-nisbati lī

But even in Egypt, where everything is cheap, fixing the car is too expensive for me.
'A'taqidu 'innanī māhir jiddan fī l-nawāhīl fanniyya

I think I am quite clever with technical things.
Li-dhālika sa'usallah l-muharrik wal-farāmil bi-nafsī

So I will fix the engine and the brakes by myself.
Lā 'a'rif idhā kuntu sa-'anjah 'am lā,
'alā 'ayya hāl sa'ukhbir kam fi-mā ba'da

I don't know if I will succeed or not, any way I will tell you later.
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Holy Quran Quotes
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“O you who believe! Be afraid of Allaah and give up what remains (due to you) from Ribaa (from now onward) if you are (really) believers”
(Al-Baqarah, 2:278)
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